I am grateful the Covid-19 vaccine is here and being distributed. If you have received the vaccine or are planning on getting it, this will affect your permanent makeup appointment! It will be important that you let your body build immunity while you are taking the vaccination series. If you have a permanent makeup procedure before getting the vaccine, you will need to allow time for healing. If there is an overlap of these two things it would be difficult to isolate the cause of any adverse responses.

If you have completed your Permanent Makeup Procedure before you get your Vaccine – please wait 4 weeks after your last permanent makeup procedure to get vaccinated.


If you complete your Vaccination series before you start your Permanent Makeup Procedure – please wait 2 weeks after your final dose to start your first permanent makeup session.

If you have a previously scheduled appointment and would like to re-schedule please feel free to call or email me and I will work with you.

Call 801-940-1285 or email ta2_you@msn.com